ICAIS 2021国际会议成功召开!



受国际疫情影响,原定于爱尔兰都柏林城市大学召开的第七届人工智能与安全国际学术会议(ICAIS 2021)于719日至21日在线上成功举办。本届会议由ACM SIGWEB CHINA、南京信息工程大学、爱尔兰都柏林城市大学、江苏羽驰区块链研究院等14家高校、研究机构及相关学术组织联合主办。

Part 1 会议概况


Part 2 大会开幕式

爱尔兰都柏林城市大学王小军教授主持开幕式,爱尔兰都柏林城市大学计算机与工程学院副院长Pascal Landais教授致大会欢迎词。南京信息工程大学数字取证教育部工程研究中心副主任、大会程序委员会主席张小瑞教授介绍了本届会议的整体情况。

Part 3 特邀嘉宾精彩分享

长江 学者、国家杰出青年基金获得者,南京大学计算机学院仲盛教授作了题为:Some recent results on AI security的主旨报告。都柏林城市大学Martin Collier教授为大家介绍了仲盛教授的基本情况。

仲教授指出:AI technologies are now extremely powerful. Therefore, related security threats are also increasing troublesome. In this talk, we survey some recent results on AI security. In particular, we cover privacy issues in MLaaS, adversarial samples, and also backdoor attacks.

爱尔兰都柏林城市大学计算机学院原院长、应用**学世界知名专家Michael Scott教授作了题为:The Quantum Apocalypse and its impact on Cryptography的主旨报告。Martin Collier教授为大家介绍了Michael Scott教授的基本情况。

Michael Scott教授指出:A quantum computer is to cryptography what a large meteorite is to planet earth – it has the potential to do a lot of damage, and wipe out a lot of “life as we know it”. In this talk we describe the impact a working quantum computer will have on currently deployed cryptographic systems, and the reaction of the cryptographic research community. We will then describe how cryptographers have developed powerful new techniques that will survive a quantum computer, while at the same time they have successfully harnessed the potential of quantum mechanics to improve their existing technology.

爱尔兰都柏林城市大学Ali Intizar教授作了题为:Enabling Artificial Intelligence for Resource Constrained IoT Edge Devices的主旨报告。Noel Murphy教授为大家介绍了Ali Intizar教授的基本情况。

Ali Intizar教授认为:Due to the rapid advancements in the sensor technologies and IoT, we are witnessing a rapid growth in the use of sensors and relevant IoT applications. A very large number of sensors and IoT devices are in place in our surroundings which keep sensing dynamic contextual information. At the same time, during the past few years, AI has been used as the principal approach to solving a variety of real-world problems across domains such as machine translation, voice localization, handwriting recognition, computer vision, etc.

英国贝尔法斯特女王大学安全信息技术中心网络系统安全负责人、英伟达主架构师(Principal ArchitectSakir Sezer教授作了题为:SmartNICs–Redefining Disaggregation and Security of Next Generation Datacentres 的主旨报告。Noel Murphy教授为大家介绍了Ali Intizar教授的基本情况。

Sakir Sezer教授认为:The SmartNIC approach has evolved and has been recently recoined as the Data Processing Unit (DPU), launching a paradigm shift in datacenter server architecture design. Emerging DPU technologies are an amalgamation of proven network processing technologies, localized computing, and dedicated offload accelerators for delivering computationally expensive network and security functions, such as IPsec, OVS, or WAF.  Smart disaggregation of computing and storge resources, effective resource management and advanced security are defining the underpinning features of state-of-the-art DPU Technology. In this talk Prof Sezer will discuss the evolution of datacentre architectures and DPU technology. Furthermore, security-related DPU features, designed to ensure the security and integrity of cloud services and counteract threats at the network edge, will be discussed.

Part 4 群贤云集,成果互鉴




Part 5 ICAIS2022

精彩纷呈的第七届人工智能与安全国际学术会议(ICAIS 2021)余音不绝之际,新一年度的ICAIS 2022即将启航。据悉,第八届人工智能与安全国际学术会议(ICAIS 2022)将于20227月在中国青海西宁举行,容量与辐射范围将进一步扩大。相关资讯将持续通过会议官方网站(http://www.icaisconf.com)及微信公众号“ ICAISICCCS国际会议”等平台进行发布,欢迎来自海内外各领域专家、教授、学者踊跃报名并投稿。