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The ACM Special Interest Group on Hypertext and the Web is a community of scholars, researchers, and professionals who study and use the concepts and technologies of linked information that were originally conceived as hypertext and are most famously realized on the Web. The SIGWEB community's interests range widely and include hypertext in all its forms, social networks, knowledge management, document engineering, digital libraries, and the Web as both an information tool and a social force. SIGWEB encourages innovative research, open discussion of new ideas and the development of methodologies and standards through conferences and a variety of communication resources for its members and the world.

Formerly known as SIGLINK, the Special Interest Group on Hypertext and the Web was created in 1989 to support the community participating in the annual ACM Hypertext Conference. Now in its third decade, SIGWeb has grown considerably and now sponsors six annual conferences of different sizes and covering a wide range of topics.